

L.B. Blacksmith

3 JAN 1925

The Text of a few Videos

Fascism what is it? Concerning the Fascist Racial Laws, with Ikram Jarmouni. Video (Eng)

Ikram was awarded the Youth America Award for University Talent. Ceremony at the Chamber of Deputies.

Senator for life, On. Liliana Segre is a Holocaust survivor.

I wonder if they could tell the difference between the Nazis and the Fascist Racial Laws, and especially when those laws were repealed.

The Ikram Jarmouni AWARD £200.000

Il Fascismo è - Riguardo il fascismo e le leggi razziali fasciste, con Ikram Jarmouni. Video (Ita)

Ikram ha ricevuto il premio come studente di eccellenza. Cerimonia presso la camera dei deputati.

La senatrice a vita On. Liliana Segre e' sopravvissuta ai campi di concentramento Nazisti.

Mi chiedo se Ikram e la Senatrice saprebbero dire la differenza fra le leggi razziali Naziste e le leggi Razziali del fascismo, e quando sarebbero state abrogate.

Il Fascismo è - The Ikram Jarmouni AWARD £200.000

Fascism what is it? Pok Wong and the university ranking. Video (Eng)

The education in England doesn't worth the time of day, and the evidence is that Ms Pok Wong has won £60.000 compensation for the "Micky Mouse degree" against the Anglia Ruskin University and their lawyers.

She has ackieved the most significant event in school history since the end of WW2, and all the Students should make a statue in memory of her victory, in every garden of every university.

Fascism what is it? Rishi Sunak, the Hong Kong pro-democracy activists and the Police. Video (Eng)

Concerning PM Sunak and the rip-off university courses.

I wonder if PM Sunak could answer a few simple questions concerning democracy, and help the investigation of the Police concerning the Pro-Democracy Activists.

Who is right? The Hong Kong Police, or the well educated Activists?

I wonder if PM Sunak could find any Professor from any University in the UK who is able to answer a few simple questions concerning the Fascist Racial Laws.

I would be pleased to pay £200.000, otherwise you better understand the extent of the propaganda and corruption, and the reasons of it.

Giulio Regeni and The Cambridge University deception - AWARD £200.000

Il Fascismo è - Riguardo il fascismo e le leggi razziali fasciste. Con la Dott.ssa Annalisa Savino La Lettera (Ita)

La Preside del Liceo Scientifico Statale "Leonardo da Vinci" di Firenze, dott. Annalisa Savino, ha scritto una lettera lamentandosi con il Ministro riguardo l'aggressione ad alcuni studenti del suo istituto.

Gli aggressori, un gruppo di studenti politicizzati intenti a svolgere la loro propaganda e diffondere la loro ideologia.

Chi ha ragione? Dove comincia l'abuso e l'indottrinamento che poi motiva queste situazioni?

Gli studenti dovrebbero essere informati di tutto questo, prima di decidere se andare a "scuola".

Vuoi la dimostrazione? Se riesci a rispondere ad alcune semplici domande tratte dai libri di scuola, sono disposto a pagare €200.000. Altrimenti, prima ti spiego la domanda in modo che chiunque possa capire, e poi chiedo nuovamente.

Se riesci a rispondere ad alcune semplici domande, sono disposto a pagare €200.000.

The Annalisa Savino AWARD €200.000

Nota: Queste due lettere sono state spedite ad entrambi i destinatari con la stessa email
Ho spedito anche la PEC.

Email PDF was in Attachment: Open

La ricevuta PEC (Download PEC Receive (zip)) The PEC mail receive
(content: postacert.eml, smime.p7s, daticert.xml)

Note: These two letters have been sent to both recipients and few more, with the same email
Also PEC, the certified Italian email system.

Fascism what is it? Dear Councillor Al Garthwaite, Lord Major of Leeds, what if I was not the impostor? The Letter (Eng)

Dear Councillor Al Garthwaite, what about my rights not to be the impostor?

I wrote this letter to the Councillor Al Garthwaite in Acknowlegment, concerning Tony Blair deciding who was to be the impostor, for political reasons.

I have sent this letter in reply to the letter of Dott.ssa Annalisa Savino, and her dispute concerning what still remain today of fascism.

This letter was also sent to the British Ambassador in Rome Rt Hon Edward Llewellyn and the Italian Minister Giuseppe Valditara, and few more

Fascism, what is it? With Ms Al Garthwaite, Lord Mayor of Leeds, I like to organize a £200.000 AWARD concerning the differences and similarities between the Nazis and the Fascist racial laws.

Leeds University AWARD £200.000

Il Fascismo è - Con la Commissaria Ue Ms Mairead McGuinness

Facendo riferimento al caso di Ilaria Salis, la commissaria Ue Mairead McGuinness ha chiesto di garantire un equo processo in modo civile.

Ma se la gente non ha neanche diritto di avere un passaporto, come fa ad avere qualche diritto?

Comunque ho spedito la testimonianza della Polizia e degli avvocati d'ufficio riguardo ripetute false denunce contro cittaditi italiani a cui era precluso il diritto di avere un avvocato di propria scelta e denunciare i mandanti di quelle false denunce.

Infatti gli avvocati d'ufficio non si occupano di queste cose, e nemmeno la Polizia. Ma forse valgono qualcosa come testimoni?

Ilaria Salis AWARD €200.000

Nota: Questa mail l'ho spedita a 175 destinatari, prima con la PEC e poi normale. E' tutta in Inglese.

Email PDF was in Attachment: Open

La ricevuta PEC (Download PEC Receive (zip)) The PEC mail receive
(content: postacert.eml, smime.p7s, daticert.xml)

Note: This mail was sent PEC (the certified Italian email system) and then as a standard email.

Fascism, what is it? With the EU Commissioner Ms Mairead McGuinness

Concerning the case of Ilaria Salis the EU Commissioner Ms Mairead McGuinness asked for a fair trial and civil manners.

But the people don't even have the rights for a passport, what rights are they supposed to have?

Nevertheless I have sent the witnessing of the Police and Public Defendants concerning repeated false accusations against Italian Ctizens prevented from the rights to hire an independent lawyer and lawsuit the mastermind of these false accusations.

In fact the Public Defendants don't do this, and not the Police. Maybe they worth something as witnesses?

Ilaria Salis AWARD £200.000

L.B. Blacksmith Ltd
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